I'm a Lucky Lookout User !!
Some time ago I found here a link to lookout (an outlook plug in to search your local mail), it has changed my life,
¿whyspend time trying to keep the peace and order in your inbox, if you can search as fast as Google?
but the story does not end here, it's just he beginning, MS buys lookout. Of course all of this noise got reflected in the blogsphere, Joel talked about it last week and his comment generate a great discussion that has ended talking about MS and OpenSource.
Until the MS download page works you can get the last version from https://www.lookoutsoft.com/Lookout/download/Lookout120.exe
Anyway, I will save this download before it gets lost !!
- Anonymous
July 28, 2004
Note that you can also download Lookout from the MSN Sandbox (http://sandbox.msn.com/).