
How to disable Time Synchronization under Windows Virtual PC

In some circumstances you need to disable the automatic time synchronization with your host which occurs per default every 15 seconds.

I had tested the described scenario from Ben Armstrong (Virtual PC Guy) and it works as well for Windows Virtual PC under Windows 7.

Find your *.VMC file of your virtual machine and search for the following section :

    <enabled type="boolean">true</enabled>
    <frequency type="integer">15</frequency>
    <threshold type="integer">10</threshold>

If you want to disable time synchronization then change the yellow marked parameter to “false” and reboot your VM.

    <enabled type="boolean">false</enabled>
    <frequency type="integer">15</frequency>
    <threshold type="integer">10</threshold>

Kudos to Ben –>https://blogs.msdn.com/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2007/11/28/disabling-time-synchronization-under-virtual-pc-2007.aspx