
Office 365 händische User Migration

Ich bekomme die Tage laufend die Frage - “Macht es Sinn, meine User jetzt händisch von BPOS auf Office 365 zu migrieren?”

Meine ehrliche Antwort – Jein. Also wenn man die Expertise zu Exchange Server Migration und PowerShell Scripts im Haus hat, ok. Sonst würde ich da lieber auf die Microsoft automatisierte Migration warten – nächste Frage “Und wann ist das?” – Laufend, d.h. Microsoft kontaktiert Kunden und Partner jetzt mit Transitiondatum September und Oktober 2011 – das generelle Migrationsfenster ist Sept 2011-Sept 2012.

Wer´s nicht mehr erwarten kann und händisch migrieren will, der geht am besten so vor:

  1. Ensure all of your computers meet the Office 365 system requirements.
  2. Sign up for an Office 365 account. Do NOT add any other domains at this point
  3. Run the Office 365 online desktop setup tool on all desktop PCs.
  4. Back up all of your users’ mail to .pst files using Outlook.
  5. Remove all vanity domain information from BPOS.
    1. Remove all production domain e-mail addresses from any accounts using them. Here's an example. Your production domain is contoso.com. You have a user, Joe, with the e-mail addresses Joe@contoso.microsoftonline.com and Joe@contoso.com. Remove the Joe@contoso.com e-mail address, as well as any other e-mail addresses in the system that end with contoso.com.
    2. Remove your production domain from BPOS.
  6. Contact BPOS Support, and
    1. Tell them you wish to have your production domain removed from FOPE.
    2. Ask them to check in the Office 365 environment to see if Microsoft has already copied your domain(s) and users to a pre-transition tenant. If this has happened, your domain(s) will need to be removed from Office 365 as well
  7. Wait 1 day for Support to remove your domains. You will receive no inbound email for this period.
  8. Sign in to your Office 365 admin account and add your production domain to Office 365.
  9. Add your users to Office 365.
  10. Import the .pst files you made in step 3 into the appropriate user mailboxes using Outlook.

Man erlaube mir allerdings einen wichtige Hinweis: Please note that manual migration is not supported, manual migration will stop mail flow for at least 24 hours, and customers with Exchange Hosted Archiving will lose all archived data.

Hier 2 weiterführende Blogeinträge zu diesem Thema: Manual Migration, The Transition Window


Liebe Grüße,

Cornelia König