
What URL to use for Azure Reporting

WARNING: This is based on pre-release software so things could change!

I got started playing with the new Azure Reporting CTP and had an interesting experience.  I struggled getting to the Report Server URL for my Azure Instance.  I think part of this was because it was the end of the day and my brain was fried  Smile  Within the Azure Portal, it indicates what the Web Service URL is that you can use.  However, it just presents the Host’s Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).  For example: 


So, in my excited haste, I typed in https://abcdefgh.database.windows.net.  And I’m using IE9, so it kept trying to do a Bing search for me.  After a while I started getting proxy errors saying the site refused my request.

After some frustrated digging and question asking, I finally got the answer I needed.  The URL format is the following:


NOTE: Be sure to replace abcdefgh with your correct server that you can find within the Azure Portal.

I really should have known that.  I’m going to chalk it up to a brain freeze.  And I’m throwing it out there in case anyone else struggles with it.

Of note, Mary Lingel on the Documentation Team was very quick to post this on the CTP Release Notes for people to find as well.  You can also have a look at the FAQ and Troubleshooting articles.

Adam W. Saxton | Microsoft SQL Server Escalation Services