
New and Improved Questionnaire Page



Operational Questionnaire

The Operational Questionnaire is an integral part of our RAP as a Service assessments. The Questionnaire focuses on the people and process aspects of how you operate and use Microsoft products in your environment.

We overhauled the Questionnaire webpage to improve its usability and align to the new design that we're adopting across the site. Please read on to learn more about the new and improved Questionnaire page.


Navigating to the Questionnaire page

Use the quick menu from any of the assessment-specific pages to jump to the Questionnaire page.


You can also use the "View or take the Questionnaire" link under the "More actions" area of the Assessment Dashboard.


Section navigation

The Questionnaire is organized into multiple sections or topics. Use this area to see where you're at as you complete the Questionnaire. You can also click on a section to jump directly to it.


Question progress

Track your progress through each section via the progress squares below. We display one per question and color code them to indicate whether they are unanswered (gray), the currently selected question (bright blue), or already answered (dark blue).

You can also jump directly to a question by clicking on a progress square.


Answering questions

Of course, the core of this experience is reading the questions and answering them. We try to keep this area free of distractions and focused on the content along with basic navigation.

Use the helper text to get more details about certain questions.


Follow-through to Issues & Risks

After you complete the questionnaire and submit it, our system analyzes the results and creates issues that appear on the Issues & Risks page. Any issues that originated from the Questionnaire include a "Questionnaire Issue" section with the related question, answer and comments. This makes it easy to know where the issue came from.


Updated content

One of your biggest subscription benefits is that you get access to updated content. This includes updates to the Questionnaire. Our teams regularly add, update or, when necessary, remove questions to keep the Questionnaire as relevant and accurate as possible.

You'll see this prompt in the event the content has been updated since the last time you completed this Questionnaire. Once in, we'll highlight sections that have new questions that need to be answered.



This new and improved Questionnaire page is available today. Please sign into the website and check it out.