Set IDE to Demo Mode Fonts
Via Devhawk comes a macro to set the editor fonts to and from a preset demo mode size and font combo.
Private Sub SetEditorFonts(ByVal size As Integer, ByVal family As String, ByVal bold As Boolean)
Dim Props As Properties
Props = DTE.Properties("FontsAndColors", "TextEditor")
Props.Item("FontSize").Value = size
Props.Item("FontFamily").Value = family
Dim clritems As EnvDTE.FontsAndColorsItems = Props.Item("FontsAndColorsItems").Object
clritems.Item("Plain Text").Bold = bold
End Sub
Sub DemoConfig()
SetEditorFonts(18, "Lucida Console", True)
End Sub
Sub NormalConfig()
SetEditorFonts(10, "Courier New", True)
End Sub
Check out these instructions for more information on using macros in the ide.
- Anonymous
May 07, 2004
What a great idea. - Anonymous
May 07, 2004
Thank the Devhawk guys. :-) But yeah, it is pretty cool. - Anonymous
August 09, 2004