
Check out the Archivist (Twitter Analysis tool)

Do you spend a lot of time on Twitter?  Interested in analyzing trends, sources and more detailed information on what’s happening in the twitterverse on your topics?  Check out the latest project from MIX Labs, the Archivist

Archivist is a twitter search and analysis tool that lets you see (and archive) tweet information.  Ever wanted to know which twitter user is the most active on your topic, what’s the top word associated with your topic or which the is the top linked URL?

Here is the archive for #VS2010


It’s still in alpha, so lots that can be improved and this is where you can help.  Give you feedback on what you’d like to see.  I’ve already requested that the Top URLs be clickable (you can click the bar next to it by the way). 

Interesting things can come up, like “USA” is the 2rd most popular word associated with #worldcup, behind the actual word worldcup:


Enjoy and please give your feedback