
Interesting links for learning Office 2007

Hi all. This is my first real posting here and in it I want to share some interesting links for learning more about the 2007 release of Microsoft Office System. So here you go, and don’t mind the formatting. I’m new to this…

Web Sites

2007 Microsoft Office system preview site: https://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/default.mspx

Windows SharePoint Services Developer Center: https://msdn.microsoft.com/sharepoint/

Office Developer Center: SharePoint Server 2007 Developer Portal: https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/server/moss/default.aspx

Office Developer Center: SharePoint Server Migration Center: https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/server/moss/2007/migration/

Introducing Knowledge Network for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007: https://www.microsoft.com/livesearch/kn/default.mspx

Free Online & Classroom Training

2007 Microsoft Office - Learning Portal: https://www.microsoft.com/learning/office2007/default.mspx

Web Casts

Channel 9 – Videos, Screencasts, Podcasts: https://channel9.msdn.com/tags/MS+Office

RDP Training Web Casts

 ( 1 ) Office 2007 New User Experience Part 1.wmv [ 10.1 MB ]: https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 1 ) Office 2007 New User Experience Part 1.wmv

( 2 ) Office 2007 New User Experience Part 2.wmv [ 32.7 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 2 ) Office 2007 New User Experience Part 2.wmv

( 3 ) Office 2007 Developing In Word 2007.wmv [ 29.0 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 3 ) Office 2007 Developing In Word 2007.wmv

( 4 ) Office 2007 Core Excel Advances.wmv [ 19.9 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 4 ) Office 2007 Core Excel Advances.wmv

( 5 ) Office 2007 InfoPath Forms In Outlook.wmv [ 32.7 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 5 ) Office 2007 InfoPath Forms In Outlook.wmv

( 6 ) Office 2007 New File Format Overview.wmv [ 14.6 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 6 ) Office 2007 New File Format Overview.wmv

( 7 ) Office 2007 Servers Overview.wmv [ 36.1 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 7 ) Office 2007 Servers Overview.wmv

( 8 ) Office 2007 WSS Collaboration.wmv [ 28.2 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 8 ) Office 2007 WSS Collaboration.wmv

( 9 ) Office 2007 ECM Part1 - Doc Mgmt.wmv [ 30.1 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 9 ) Office 2007 ECM Part1 - Doc Mgmt.wmv

( 10 ) Office 2007 ECM Part2 - WCM.wmv [ 24.9 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 10 ) Office 2007 ECM Part2 - WCM.wmv

( 11 ) Office 2007 Knowledge Mgmt.wmv [ 25.5 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 11 ) Office 2007 Knowledge Mgmt.wmv

( 12 ) Office 2007 BI.wmv [ 15.0 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 12 ) Office 2007 BI.wmv

( 13 ) Office 2007 Server Develoment.wmv [ 25.1 MB ]:

https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/0/39024c52-eb1a-4fa4-84fd-6d0686657f08/( 13 ) Office 2007 Server Develoment.wmv