
Rock Paper Azure Challenge Fall 2011 Edition – Week #1 Winners

rpalogoIn a short while I will be posting the winners of Week #3 of the Rock Paper Azure Challenge Fall 2011 Edition.  I posted the Week #2 winners last Friday.  However, we’ve had a few folks wonder who the Week #1 winners were.  Apologies for not posting these earlier, but below are the Week #1 winners:

Week #1 of the Rock Paper Azure Challenge ended at 6pm EST on 11/25/2011. Congratulations to the following players for having the Top 5 bots for Week #1.  Each of them will receive a $50 Best Buy gift card:

  1. Protist
  2. choi
  3. FistOfImmortality
  4. dumpling
  5. NothingBeatsRock

If you haven’t already, you have one more week to enter the Rock Paper Azure Challenge Fall 2011 edition for a chance to win a trip to Cancun, Mexico. The contest closes at 6pm EST, Friday, December 16, 2011.
