SqlCredit – Developing a Complete SQL Server OLTP Database Project
C’est une longue suite d’articles parus dans le Database Journal .
The purpose of the SqlCredit series is to demonstrate the database design and development portion of a development project. We will build a complete, functioning, tested credit card database to illustrate the complete software development lifecycle. Microsoft provides us with AdventureWorks, but all we get to see is the final product. This series will be about the process that results in a well-designed, well-coded, and well-tested database.
Part of the plan is to do an initial design that actually has some built-in “refactoring opportunities” (bits that we will fix later in the series). But overall, the design should be solid, scalable, well-coded, and well-tested. When the series is complete, the code-base will allow a reader to create a complete database with tables, stored procedures, triggers, functions, automated unit tests, and sample data by running a simple script. This is not an academic exercise; it is a pragmatic design based on goals of scalability, performance, and quality.
- Introduction
- Part 2: Creating the Database, Tables, CRUD Procedures
- Part 3: Schema/Proc Updates and Automated Unit Testing
- Part 4: Schema and Procedure Security
- Part 5: Adding Card, Vendor, and Purchase, Plus Much Refactoring
- Part 6: Exploring EncryptByCert and DecryptByCert
- Part 7: Performance Impact of EncryptByCert and DecryptByCert
- Part 8: Comparing Encrypt/DecryptByCert and Encrypt/DecryptByKey
- Part 9: Message Authentication Codes
- Part 10: MAC Performance and Updating SqlCredit
- Part 11: Change Tracking Using History Records
- Part 12: Exploring Indexed Persisted Computed Columns
- Part 13: More on Indexed Persisted Computed Columns
- Part 14: The Cost of Translation
- Part 15: The Cost of Distribution
- Part 16: The Cost of Bloat
- Part 17: Exploring SQL 2005’s OUTPUT Clause
- Part 18: Exploring the Performance of SQL 2005’s OUTPUT Clause
- Part 19: Exploring SQL 2005’s Ranking Functions – RANK() and DENSE_RANK()
- Part 20: Exploring SQL 2005’s Ranking Functions – NTILE() and ROW_NUMBER()
- Part 21: Exploring SQL Server's Index INCLUDEs
- Part 22: Performance Testing – SQL Server 2008 versus SQL Server 2005
- Part 23: SQL Server 2008’s Change Data Capture – Tracking the Moving Parts
Chaque article contient des informations très utiles en terme de conception et de performances.
Par exemple, sur le coût de la répartition des objets dans différentes bases. On a les trois scénarios suivants :
Et les résultats suivants :
Bonne lecture donc !