Contacting me Via e-mail
As much as I would love to start up e-mail dialogs with readers of this blog, if I did so, I would have so much e-mail that I wouldn't have any time to respond to any of them much less make any blog posts. So unless you are a Microsoft employee, e-mail questions will have to go unanswered.
Of course we do have an e-mail address you can send to which all team members read, and that is We get a lot of mail and occasionally a team member will directly answer a question as well (typically if the answer isn't available on a forum somewhere, in the FS9 learning center, or if the subject really tugs on someone's heart strings).
- Anonymous
April 05, 2006
Is this different than the old address? - Anonymous
April 08, 2006
It's a different alias, but the same intent. I haven't seen any e-mails from tellfs for a long time. - Anonymous
April 22, 2006
Emails to the fS_ideas address are returned as recipient unknown. tell_fs appears to work correctly, as I recieved an autoresponse reply.
Hope someone reads them. :) - Anonymous
April 22, 2006
I just read your e-mail sent to FS_Ideas, but didn't see anything from tell_FS.
If I received your FS_Ideas message then everyone else on the team did as well.
Unfortunatley I can't answer any of your questions, but I would think Sebby could. He is pretty slammed right now, so it may take a little while.
As for beta testing, The Hal9000 blog you can link to in the FS Team Bloggers links runs that program.