
Microsoft Exchange 2010 upgrade Test cases – Part 2

I am writing a series of blog where I will guide you on test cases that should carry out when upgrading from either Exchange 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange 2010. This blog is second of this series.

Each blog will contain two or three test cases that will guide you on various testing conditions that should help you streamline your Exchange upgrade.

Simulate HUB Server loss

User Scenario

Pause all external mail delivery.

Login with an Outlook client and send an email to an external email address

Locate message in Message Queue on Exchange server, in the EMC, under Toolbox, Queue Viewer

Examine message queue for message, if not found, connect to the other HUB servers

Shut down the server on which the queue resides where the message is stored

Default heartbeat is 5 minutes and 3 retries. After 15 minutes check the active HUB servers to look for the same message

To validate Shadow queue config, check: get-TransportConfig | FL Shadow*


Outlook and Queue Viewer under the Exchange 2010 EMC

Expected Results

Single item found in active HUB server’s Message Queue

Simulate Delivery to Smart Host

User Scenario

Pause all external mail delivery.

Login with an Outlook client and send an email to an external email address

Locate message in Message Queue on Exchange server, in the EMC, under Toolbox, Queue Viewer

Examine message queue for message, if not found, connect to the other HUB servers

Restart external mail delivery


Outlook and Queue Viewer under the Exchange 2010 EMC

Expected Results

Single item found in Hub server’s Message Queue cleared after smart host started

Simulate Automated Service Recovery

User Scenario

Connect to a HUB server

Stop the Microsoft Exchange Transport service

Locate the file “mail.que” on the server

Open file with Notepad and type some words/characters anywhere in the file. After that, save the file.

Re-start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service

Return to the queue directory


Explorer and Windows service manager

Expected Results

New mail.que file created and the corrupted file moved to the Queue.old folder

Enjoy and don’t forget to read the other blogs of this series at:

Microsoft Exchange 2010 upgrade Test cases – Part 1

Microsoft Exchange 2010 upgrade Test cases – Part 3

Read my favorites blogs:

Designing a backup less Exchange 2010 Architecture

Step by step guide for upgrading Active Directory from Microsoft Windows 2003 to Microsoft Windows Server 2008


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Leif, The best option for you would be to stop the tranport related services on the SMTP gateway.

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2012
    These test cases are perfect. I wish there were things like this for all software packages. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2012
    How do you "Pause all external mail delivery" so that you can simulate a HUB server failure? /Leif