
Demystifying the CAS Array Object - Part 2

Welcome back! In Demystifying the CAS Array Object - Part 1 we covered these three items to begin demystifying the CAS array object in Exchange Server 2010.

  1. A CAS array object does not load balance your traffic
  2. A CAS array object does not service OWA, ECP, EWS, Autodiscover, IMAP, SMTP, or POP
  3. A CAS array object does not need to be part of your SSL certificate

Here in Part 2 we will cover the following three items, and once and for all lift the fog away from the CAS array object to help you correct existing deployments and/or plan more strategically for future deployments.

  1. A CAS array object should not be resolvable via DNS by external clients
  2. A CAS array object should not be configured or changed after creating Exchange Server 2010 mailbox databases and moving mailboxes into the databases
  3. A CAS array object should be configured even if you only have one CAS or a single multi-role server.

Read the complete blog at https://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2012/03/28/demystifying-the-cas-array-object-part-2.aspx

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