
New Group Policy Administrative Template files available for download

Updates to the Group Policy Administrative Template files for the 2007 Office system are here! For more information about how to download and use the files, see Administrative Template files (ADM, ADMX, ADML) and Office Customization Tool updates.

The download includes the following:

  • Office2007GroupPolicyAndOCTSettings.xls, an Excel spreadsheet that provides information about 2007 Microsoft Office system Group Policy settings and OPA settings.
  • An ADM folder that contains updated .adm files in sub-folders for each language.
  • An ADMX folder that contains XML-based versions (.admx files) of the Administrative Template files for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Each of the language sub-folders contains .adml files for that language.
  • An Admin folder that contains updated OPA, oct.dll, and octca.dll files. Each of the language sub-folders contains the .opa files for that language, the Office Customization Help file (oct.chm), and octres.dll files.

For the new Group Policy Administrative Template files for Office 2003, see Office 2003 Service Pack 3 Administrative Template (ADM) Files, OPA Files, and Explain Text Updates.

- Andrea Weiss


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Just to make sure I didn't accidentally make everyone think that deploying Office 2007 with Group Policy