
Your Guide to Everything BYOD

We are very excited to share with you Microsoft's latest BYOD discussion paper put together by Partners in Learning Australia. This paper is a significant update from the previous version and gives you a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about implementing a BYOD programme in your school. 

The ongoing debate regarding the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model in schools warrants deep analysis to help educators and institutions understand this provisioning model and its potential benefits and pitfalls for learning. This discussion paper sets out to define and investigate current BYOD models to clarify which questions should be addressed in the context of your school’s culture, to determine the most suitable BYOD model for your situation. It is intended to stimulate discussion around what constitutes best practice 1-to-1 learning.

The paper explores all of your questions around the following:

  • Do schools still need to provide computers?
  • Five potential models of BYOD:
  1. School mandates a device
  2. School-defined single platform laptop, plus another device
  3. School-defined multi-platform laptops
  4. Student choice of  laptop or tablet
  5. Bring your own whatever connects to the Internet 
  • Myths and misperceptions of BYOD
  • To BYOD or not to BYOD?

Readiness, planning, technical support for devices, maintenance of devices, software licensing, security, school policy and parental consent, device life cycle and warranties.

  • Preparing the infrastructure

Network and security considerations, file considerations, print considerations, software considerations.

  • Security solutions

You can view and download the full guide by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post!

Keen to find out more about 1:1 Learning programmes for your school? Register now for the 21 Steps to 21st Century Learning Workshop!

Facilitated by world education leader, Bruce Dixon, the complimentary workshop is designed to support school Principals and eLearning leaders to work together. We recommend two leaders attend from each school. We invite you to attend the workshop in Auckland, on 11th-12th November, or in Wellington, on 14th-15th November.

Places are limited and the first workshop is only 10 days away! Find out more here or register now by emailing nzeducation@microsoft.com.

BYOD Discussion Paper.pdf