
Microsoft Partners in Learning turns 10!

We are very excited to announce that this month marks the tenth anniversary of Microsoft's Partners in Learning!

James Bernard, WW Director, Partners in Learning, this week commemorated the occasion, "Ten years ago, we recognized that education systems around the globe simply weren’t working. With a model built to support the 19th century industrial revolution, it was clear that change was not only necessary, but critical to the future success of our children and our society. It was also clear that governments were not equipped to make this massive transformation happen on their own. The private sector would have to play a significant role, and Microsoft stepped up to do just that."

"With a firm conviction that every child deserves a quality education, and over $750 million dollars committed to date, Partners in Learning has had the resources and reach to accelerate the progress of education reform. I’ve been involved in Partners in Learning for over five of its ten years, and I’ve been privileged to witness first-hand the program’s impact. We’ve recognized and supported Innovative Schools as well as Expert Educators. We’ve given exemplary teachers a platform to share their experiences on a global stage through our Global Forum and other Partners in Learning events taking place in every region. And we’ve helped millions of teachers use technology in their classrooms to engage students and transform learning."

So, If you’re not already, join the Partners in Learning Network! We can't wait to see what the next ten years have to come.

Interested in become a Microsoft Expert Educator? Apply here!