
Don't forget to tune in to the Promoting 21st Century Skills Webinar!

It is no secret that students today require skillsets that are hugely different from what was needed to secure jobs a decade ago. We see this change playing out everywhere in the world, and the gap between what employers are looking for and what recent graduates have to offer is only widening.

So, it's a new year, and the perfect time to get up to scratch on the power of how 1:1 learning can be used in the classroom to develop 21st century skills. That is why on 14th January, Microsoft is hosting the latest in our Partners in Learning Virtual University webinar series featuring global experts and covering some of the most exciting innovations in education today. This session, Promoting 21st Century Skills, will be co-hosted by Richard Olsen, Assistant Director of ideasLAB, and Adrian Blight, Managing Director of Imagine Education.

In his role at ideasLAB, an Australian education research and development incubator, Olsen identifies new technologies and their transformative possibilities for schools and for learning. He specializes in online learning communities, social networking, inquiry-based learning and game-based learning.

For his part, Blight specializes in helping governments, NGOs and the corporate sector worldwide build the capacity of educators and maximize the impact of new technologies on teaching and learning. Blight is also responsible for training educators across the Middle East and North Africa as part of The British Council’s Connecting Classrooms program.

This session will look at the key skills needed in the workforce and how those needs have evolved in the past decade. We will also look at why the capacity to learn is more important than knowing information – the all-important skills vs. knowledge shift. And we’ll explore how modern social learning leads to positive interdependence where knowledge is co-constructed around objects of inquiry, along with the non-linear path of inquiry-based learning in solving complex problems.

This event is available at 7:00 am PT or 5:00 pm PT. Please join at the time most convenient for you. For more details on this important dialogue, and to register, click here.