
Are you New Zealand's most innovative teacher?

Are you or someone you know using technology in innovative ways to engage students in more effective learning? Has this learning process helped to improve the learning outcomes among students?

Every year, Microsoft recognises New Zealand's most innovative educators to highlight and celebrate the great work achieved through utilising ICT in the classroom. Nominate yourself or one of your peers for a Microsoft Innovative Teacher Award. All current full-time and part-time primary and secondary schools from both private and public schools throughout New Zealand can enter.

Last year’s winner, physical education teacher Julia Breen from Howick College, has said that “Winning the award has been a real honour. The professional development opportunities have been outstanding” 

Prizewinners will receive:
     Attendance at the Microsoft Partners in Learning Forum
     One Samsung Slate PC (RRP NZ $2,399) 
     One Xbox 360 Kinect Package for the winners school: (RRP NZ$599)
     And lots more

Enter a teacher at microsoft.co.nz/innovativeeducators.

Entries close Monday 8 October.