How to: Identify Blocked SQL Processes Quickly
There was a great article in Visual Studio magazine (June 2008) by Ian Stirk in which he talks in detail about how to improve application performance by creating a utility that tells you which processes are being blocked.
You can read the article at The two sql sprocs that you will need to create are:
The database utility dba_BlockTracer extracts data about the running processes by inspecting the system view sys.sysprocesses. This view then queries the underlying system table sysprocesses.
CREATE PROC [dbo].[dba_BlockTracer] AS /*--------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Shows details of the root blocking process, together with details of any blocked processed ---------------------------------------------------- Parameters: None. Revision History: 19/07/2007 Initial version Example Usage: 1. exec YourServerName.master.dbo.dba_BlockTracer --------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN -- Do not lock anything, and do not get held up by any locks. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED -- If there are blocked processes... IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE blocked != 0) BEGIN -- Identify the root-blocking spid(s) SELECT distinct t1.spid AS [Root blocking spids] , t1.[loginame] AS [Owner] , master.dbo.dba_GetSQLForSpid(t1.spid) AS 'SQL Text' , t1.[cpu] , t1.[physical_io] , DatabaseName = DB_NAME(t1.[dbid]) , t1.[program_name] , t1.[hostname] , t1.[status] , t1.[cmd] , t1.[blocked] , t1.[ecid] FROM sys.sysprocesses t1, sys.sysprocesses t2 WHERE t1.spid = t2.blocked AND t1.ecid = t2.ecid AND t1.blocked = 0 ORDER BY t1.spid, t1.ecid -- Identify the spids being blocked. SELECT t2.spid AS 'Blocked spid' , t2.blocked AS 'Blocked By' , t2.[loginame] AS [Owner] , master.dbo.dba_GetSQLForSpid(t2.spid) AS 'SQL Text' , t2.[cpu] , t2.[physical_io] , DatabaseName = DB_NAME(t2.[dbid]) , t2.[program_name] , t2.[hostname] , t2.[status] , t2.[cmd] , t2.ecid FROM sys.sysprocesses t1, sys.sysprocesses t2 WHERE t1.spid = t2.blocked AND t1.ecid = t2.ecid ORDER BY t2.blocked, t2.spid, t2.ecid END ELSE -- No blocked processes. PRINT 'No processes blocked.' END |
Make a call to the database function dba_GetSQLForSpid to get the underlying SQL, which can show you why performance is slow. The function accepts one parameter: the SQL Server process ID (@spid) of a running process.
CREATE Function [dbo].[dba_GetSQLForSpid] ( @spid SMALLINT ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(4000) /*------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Returns the SQL text for a given spid. --------------------------------------------------- Parameters: @spid - SQL Server process ID. Returns: @SqlText - SQL text for a given spid. Revision History: 01/12/2006 Initial version Example Usage: SELECT dbo.dba_GetSQLForSpid(51) SELECT dbo.dba_GetSQLForSpid(spid) AS [SQL text] , * FROM sys.sysprocesses WITH (NOLOCK) --------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN DECLARE @SqlHandle BINARY(20) DECLARE @SqlText NVARCHAR(4000) -- Get sql_handle for the given spid. SELECT @SqlHandle = sql_handle FROM sys.sysprocesses WITH (nolock) WHERE spid = @spid -- Get the SQL text for the given sql_handle. SELECT @SqlText = [text] FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@SqlHandle) RETURN @SqlText END |
July 13, 2008
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April 07, 2010
Incredibly helpful - have been trying for hours to resolve a deadlock issue that came out of nowhere, and dba_GetSQLForSpid was just the ticket. Thanks.