
Call to survey – Is your EA program valuable?

This is the first time I’ve done this, so I’m hoping that my friends will contribute your opinions: I’ve created a survey  asking a few basic questions about how your Enterprise Architecture program is valued, or not valued, by your organization.

KwikSurvey Poll – Does your Enterprise Architecture program deliver value?

Note that this is a free survey tool that doesn’t allow me to collect text responses unless I pay, which I didn’t, so there are no text response fields.  If you want to comment on the survey questions or assumptions, please jump over to LinkedIn and comment in this thread:

LinkedIn Discussion – Do you have an effective or ineffective EA Program

All comments are anonymous.  I will publish the results on this blog.  This is just an informal data collection exercise but one that I think may provide a little insight into how you and your peers measure the value of your Enterprise Architecture program.