
TechED: SMO session done! Now what?

The SMO session was on today! Wow the Euro-crowd is tough! (which I heard uttered by various speakers after being shell shocked by unexpected scores) Jet lag and lack of sleep last few days made this session a hard nut to crack. (the proverb "I can do this in my sleep" is something that really needs to be taken of my list of valid proverbs by the way :-) Nevertheless lots of positive responses and I think the SMO message was well understood and also we're slowly but surely getting Project Mercury off the ground!

Once back in Redmond, I'm going to see that features are closed down and make sure we have a fully functional version ready to put out to you.

An additional benefit of being at TechED, is that you meet so many people (duh!). For example Betsy Aoki and I will have a chat to see how we can get source management implemented.

Thank you all for attending the session and supporting this effort, and it's good to see so many people are starting to sign themselves in as a member of https://microsoftsqltools.com (especially considering the site is yet somewhat underdeveloped).
