
GeekGive to Team Up with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans during Tech-Ed

The MVP driven charity organization GeekGive, is teaming up with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans on June 5, the weekend before Tech Ed.  GeekGive is an outstanding charity organization run by MVPs  who value giving back to the community:

For us, giving back to the community is more than just Code Camp presentations and blog posts. We want to give of our time and energy and help improve the greater community at large. If you're like us have a browse around the site, find projects that interest you, and get involved!

A team of volunteers, including MVPs and Microsoft employees will help build a Habitat for Humanity home in New Orleans. While four years have passed since Hurricane Katrina ravished New Orleans and the surrounding area, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. I can only imagine how the BP oil spill compounds the problems for that region.

MVP Steve Andrews is spearheading this project. He wrote on GeekGive's website:

It has been four years since Hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf coast as the worst civil disaster in American history. It is estimated that 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed, ten times as many as any other natural disaster in US history. The total cost is estimated at $100 billion in damages making Katrina the most costly hurricane in US history. Up to 15 million people were affected by Hurricane Katrina, and New Orleans itself is still struggling to rebuild.

One of the biggest needs is for new housing, and to help we've arranged for a volunteer group to work with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild New Orleans on Saturday June 5th, 2010, the Saturday before Tech·Ed.

The need is great, so I am not surprised that MVPs were inspired to pitch in. MVPs are some of the most generous people I have met. Their unique drive is inspiring, so it is easy to understand why my colleagues are so excited about joining MVPs to help out.

If you did not have a chance to sign up, check back with the blog early next week for video footage from the project. If you are going to help out, please consider sharing your pictures and short videos from the day on the MVP Award Program Facebook Page.