
WPC 11 Day 2 – The momentum continues! My recap of information for you

Well WPC 11 day 2 picked up right where day 1 left off, with tons of fantastic energy and excitement, then added a bunch of eye catching demos, attention grabbing statistics, some exciting announcements, and even more. To help make sure that all of you, whether you are joining us in person or virtually through DigitalWPC.com, didn’t miss these items, I thought I would put together a quick recap here for you with some of the interesting items in case you missed them or you want to see them again.

For today’s recap, let’s start out with some of the interesting statistics, facts, and data points shared today:

  • The mayor of Los Angeles has declared it Microsoft Partner Week of Los Angeles. That is pretty cool!
  • Microsoft Partner Network – Strong momentum:
    • Over 6,000 partners with Gold competencies (over 8,000 total Gold competencies attained)
    • Over 14,000 partners with Silver competencies (over 31,000 total Silver competencies attained)
    • Over 20,000 partners are now part of Cloud Essentials or Cloud Accelerate
  • Partners used “Quote on behalf” features in BPOS sales dashboard over 47,000 times last year
    • To put this in perspective, if the average size of each of those deals was just 20 seats, that would equal 10 million seats of cloud services!
  • Pinpoint:
    • Over 80,000 partners have profiled solutions in Pinpoint to date
    • From those in Pinpoint, we have generated over 900,000 leads that went to partners
    • Of those, over 200,000 of those leads were closed
  • Server & Tools:
  • Office:
    • One billion PCs around the planet are now running Office
    • Office 2010 selling a copy every second & being deployed at 5X the rate of Office 2007
    • See more: Partners & Office 365
  • We have 73% market share of the enterprise messaging and group scheduling category, and 65% worldwide
  • 3,000 partners engaged in Accelerate program in one year
  • Microsoft Introduces Solutions to Help Partners Build New Business With Cloud Computing
  • Lync:
    • Over 10 million Cisco legacy voice over IP lines are going out of support over the next year. Huge opportunity for partner to convert them to Lync
    • 40-60% of our enterprise customers don't have anything in terms of real-time collaboration and communications for their organization
  • Office 365:
    • Over 1/4 million people signed up since beta
    • Customers are estimating savings can be as much as 50%
  • Dynamics:
    • “Our job, and our mission, is to make every business in to a Dynamic Business.” Kirill Tatarinov
    • With Dynamics ERP, we've been adding approximately 15,000 customers every year for the past 10 years
    • Rapid Start for Dynamics ERP announced: Tools that dramatically reduces time to deploy, configure and customize ERP systems, tools that run on Windows Azure, tools that truly help our partners deploy the solution quicker.
    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM will become an add-on to Office 365
    • Microsoft Dynamics Partners Fuel Business Growth by Embracing Change
    • Partners, go to: https://partner.microsoft.com/global/productssolutions/dynamics for lead referral program
  • Mobile:
  • Windows Embedded & Devices:
    • Acer, Fujitsu, and ZTE as new phone providers – Devices shown, plus new Samsung model
    • 80% of the point of sale systems around the world use Windows or Windows Embedded
    • Some new machines going from completely off to completely on in under about 20 seconds

Want to see the details of the keynote addresses? Have a read through the keynote transcripts (and I noted what demos were shown in case you are wondering)

Want to see a replay of the keynote session? Here you go:

MPN Live

Today we streamed two more sessions of MPN Live to partners around the world from the floor of the Solution Innovation Center and the replay videos of all four sessions we have done to date are now live online. Here are the four sessions below for you to view, and be sure to join us again at 1:00 & 5:00 on Wednesday, as well as being a part of the WPC 11 excitement and conversation online with the #WPC11 and #MPNLive hashtags.

Video streaming by Ustream

Day 1 1:00 Session Host: @katlen Speakers: @maryjofoley @rwang0 @drsalonen @cheeky_geeky @techassoc & @nuxnix

Video streaming by Ustream

Day 1 5:00 Session Host: @EricLigman Speakers: @Judykolde @birgerk @meetdux & @dksaele

Video streaming by Ustream

Day 2 1:00 Session Host: @katlen Speakers: @nuxnix @justinpirie @ajoyk @staten7

Video streaming by Ustream

Day 2 5:00 Session Host: @EricLigman Speakers: @mimecast @TrolleSchultz @justinpirie @s2_williams @nuxnix & @lizasisler

Remember, here’s how to keep up with the conversations:

  • Be sure you are following Jon Roskill at @Jon_Roskill
  • Be sure to follow #MPNLive hashtag to get the latest on MPN Live
  • Be sure to follow #WPC11 hashtag to get the latest on WPC11
  • You can catch the MPN Live broadcasts daily at 1:00 and 5:00 pm PDT HERE
  • You can also find both WPC11 and MPNLive in the “Partner Talk” section of the Microsoft Partner Info mobile app

From a social media perspective, WPC 11 has the most social media components of any Worldwide Partner Conference we’ve ever put together. Here’s a quick post I put up on how to get the most out of WPC11 with social media that you might want to take a look at.

Did you find this information helpful? If so, you may want to make sure you are utilizing all of the areas I share information online, such as: my Facebook page, my Twitter account, my Linkedin account, and my blog. Plus, you can now get all of the latest Microsoft Partner Information right on your phone!

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Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric LigmanFollow me on TWITTER, LinkedIn, and RSS and see “What I’m thinking
Director, Worldwide Partner Experience
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

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  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2011
    Transcript of Kirill Tatarinov’s keynote refers to "Diebold" when he actually said "Siebel".