Robotics Studio 1.5 CTP - MEDC Sumo Robotics Competition Simulator.
MEDC 2007 Las Vegas is getting close, just a few short weeks away! - one of the highlights of the MEDC event is the evening Sumo Robotics competition, this year we're introducing a new format for the competition - the robots will be running Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (running on an ICOP eBox 2300) and be based on the iRobot Create platform - the code that controls the robots will be written using Microsoft Robotics Studio.
To write your Sumo Robotics code for the competition you will need the following:
- Microsoft Robotics Studio 1.5 Community Tech Preview (CTP April 2007)
- Robot Sumo Simulation for Microsoft Robotics Studio 1.5 (CTP April 2007)
You now have everything you need to get started... It's time to get cranking on your search and destroy code (and perhaps the all important victory dance!).
- Mike
April 11, 2007
More information here - and Information on Robotics Studio and The Sumo CompetitionAnonymous
April 11, 2007
Is this the same code package we will be given when we sign up for the sumo-bot event? Will we receive an actual sumo-bot or will it all be done in the simulator?Anonymous
April 11, 2007
your development will be done in the simulator - bring your code with you to the event - we will have a simulated knock-out competition followed by a hardware based competition.
- Mike
April 11, 2007
More information here - and Information on Robotics Studio and The Sumo CompetitionAnonymous
April 13, 2007
I imagine the simulator will prove quite different from a real environment. Will be have time to tinker with the hardware before our code is run on them?Anonymous
April 13, 2007
How many people will make it into the hardware based competition, and will we be able to fine turn our code to the hardware before the competition? Will we have access to the actual hardware before the competition?Anonymous
April 13, 2007
Mike, I think we have enough hardware for 40 teams to take part in the hardware competition. John, Yes, there will be time to fine tune your code before the competition - you will have access to hardware in the wireless lounge (in the exhibition area), we will have some Sumo rings there for you to practice.
- Mike
April 16, 2007
is there a forum anywhere for discussing sumobot issues? It seems that even in the sample sumoplayer code, the RobotUpdateBumpsCliffsAndWallsHandler handler is never getting called, so the bump sensor states are never being set.Anonymous
April 19, 2007
Interfacing External Hardware Using Managed Code and Microsoft Robotics Studio While developers write...