
MEDC 2007 - Session and Lab Triage.

It's Thursday December 14th 2006 - MEDC 2007 is five months out - today is the big session and lab triage meeting - the image below shows all of the MEDC track owners walking through the sessions/labs that have been submitted, and, as usual we have way too many sessions submitted - these triage sessions can be quite long (we're in the meeting from 8am through to 2pm today) but are always interesting.


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One of the changes to the session submission process this year (which is web based) is every speaker needs to submit the "Wow" moment for their session/lab - some sound really interesting, there are already some sessions that I want to attend based just on the "wow" moment!

One of the things I want to do for this year is take a number of the sessions that didn't make it to the conference and get these recorded as "Virtual Conference Sessions" - so you can still get access to the content - sound like a plan ?

- Mike