WebPronews.com press article on the Energy forum whitepaper...nice resume here:
So the whitepaper I have just blogged about has hit the press and is being picked up fairly quickly, one of the nice things I like is the following article which has a really nice few bullets on the key points (for those that dont want to read 58 pages...)
- Eighty-one percent report that more ready access to high-performance computing capability could increase oil and gas production
- Eighty-six percent have computing power at their deskside, and 69 percent prefer computing power at their desktops
- Sixty-one percent believe that having the capability to run additional tasks and iterations will reduce project risk
- Fifty-six percent prefer to schedule their own jobs to a technical computing or HPC cluster rather than refer to a cluster administrator to manage the job queue
- Forty-seven percent say their computing-intensive scientific applications require multiple iterations
- Twenty-five percent of computing-intensive scientific applications still take from overnight to more than a week to run
You can get the full article here: