
Microsoft at NECC 2009

When you travel as much as I do, it is sometimes helpful to have tent-pole events to mark the year and help you look back on progress made and goals for next year.  For most people, holidays and birthdays fit the bill.  For me (and it’s somewhat pathetic, I know), I mark my year with Microsoft’s fiscal year calendar and our large education industry events (like Educause in the Fall and NECC in the Summer).  I am already getting excited to spend a few days at the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) happening in Washington, D.C. coming up this June. Microsoft will have a big presence at the show…but I get tremendous value from connecting with our partners and customers and getting a range of input on K12 priorities and new thinking.

I’m really pleased with how planning for Microsoft’s participation at this year’s show is coming along…and you get great insight on our focus, the content we’ll be sharing in our booth, etc. by visiting our website here. The web page includes listings for Microsoft learning tracks and workshops, links for connecting with us via Facebook and Twitter, and much more. 

In recognition of reduction travel budgets that are limiting the opportunity to attend NECC for many…this year, we’re offering scholarships for five K-12 teachers to attend. Find more details here.

If you are able to make it to NECC…stop by booth #1728 to say hello.  Look forward to seeing you there!