
I'm at TechEd in Barcelona this week

I'll be there all week, I have a bunch of talks:

  • SEC201 - The Security Development Lifecycle (5 November 2007 Start: 17:45 Finish: 19:00 Room: Room 123 )
  • SEC202 - Threat Modeling (6 November 2007 Start: 10:45 Finish: 12:00 Room: Room 116 )
  • SEC402 - Fundamental Security Changes in Windows Vista (Wed, Nov 7 09:00 - 10:15 Room 116 )
  • SEC306 - The "Everything-Developer-Security" Talk (8 November 2007 Start: 13:30 Finish: 14:45 Room: Room 115)

The last session is my favorite, because I have no agenda. I just write down a bunch of stuff that interests me on a whiteboard, or in Notepad. And we talk! All I do is answer questions, discuss problems, solutions and just about anything else that relates to software security. It's always a hoot!

There's also a book signing, I'm not 100% sure when, but if you ask at the Security booth, I'm sure someone will know.

I get sent to TechEd (OK, I volunteer) to talk to customers to see where their pain points are, so we can help out...

Anyway, swing by say, Hi.
