
Test Guide

Making the invisible visible since 1987

Banking Expectations

For weeks now I have been seeing ads for a local bank. These ads consist of a vast expanse of white...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/11/2009

James W's Favorite Bug

I like the back and forth between QA and Dev with regards to whether or not a bug is worthy of their...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/09/2009

Gerald M. Weinberg's Favorite Bug

My favorite bug is also my first bug. It's my favorite because it started me on the road to learning...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/06/2009

Josh Poley's Favorite Bug

One of the interesting bugs I dealt with on the Xbox 360 wasn't very exciting from a "how found"...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/02/2009

What Is Your Favorite Bug?

I mentioned in my last post that I love hearing testers (anyone, really) talk about the bugs they...

Author: humbugreality Date: 02/27/2009

Testing Curiosity

What drew you to testing? What keeps you here? What would cause you to leave?I fell into testing by...

Author: humbugreality Date: 02/25/2009

Falsely Responsible

Newbie testers often believe they can actually stop their product from shipping. Product teams often...

Author: humbugreality Date: 02/11/2009

Heuristical Madness

Recently I was thinking about the plethora of Test Heuristics floating about the blogosphere....

Author: humbugreality Date: 02/04/2009

Back In The Saddle Again

One reason I have not blogged these last two months is that my wife took ill and I haven't been at...

Author: humbugreality Date: 01/21/2009

Story Time

How many different stories do you know about your product? Do you know the stories your best...

Author: humbugreality Date: 11/12/2008

Testing Reality

A few years ago I began questioning everything I thought I knew: what I did, why I did it, how I did...

Author: humbugreality Date: 10/29/2008

So You Want To Work For Microsoft...

Several people have emailed me recently asking for tips on getting through their upcoming interviews...

Author: humbugreality Date: 10/15/2008

What I Will Do

Commitments - "This is what I plan to do the next year and how you will know whether I am doing it"...

Author: humbugreality Date: 10/08/2008

Eavesdropping On Testing

On the bus the other day I overheard a woman discussing her upcoming nuptials. She was quite the...

Author: humbugreality Date: 10/01/2008

A Medley Of Tools

[To the tunes of various winter holiday carols]Here I go a-wandering among ideas so brightHere I go...

Author: humbugreality Date: 09/17/2008

What Do You Do?

Do you know the unique value you add to your team? I used to think I did, until a series of...

Author: humbugreality Date: 09/10/2008

K-Based Testing

I was reading Keith Braithwaite's website recently in preparation for asking him Five Questions. One...

Author: humbugreality Date: 09/03/2008

Games Testers Play

What are you favorite testing games?I learned Headline News from Elisabeth Hendrickson many years...

Author: humbugreality Date: 08/19/2008

Tester Center Tester Spotlight: Ivo Manolov

I have another Tester Spotlight posted! Pop over to Tester Center - via Channel 9 - to see my...

Author: humbugreality Date: 08/13/2008

Nike Testing

When I started writing this blog I had no idea what I was going to write about. I don't remember...

Author: humbugreality Date: 08/06/2008

Rhymeless References

If you want to learn more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, personality types, neuro-linguistic...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/21/2008

Finally! The Finish!

So that is MBTI, and that is NLP.Which still leaves the puzzling, mysterious A&P.I know some...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/18/2008

Trio Of Tastes

Visual people learn with their eyes.They peek and they look and their world clarifies."I see what...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/16/2008

New Lingo Please!

NLP is a science (tho some say it's not)Which claims to explain how people come to a thought.Neuro...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/14/2008

Timely Play

"J" is for "Judging", though not the critical kind.It simply describes the way we unwind.Or don't,...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/11/2008

Feeling Logical

"T" is for "Thinking", so called because weDecide with our brains, not our feelings.We use our logic...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/09/2008

Concretely Abstract

"N" means "iNtuitive", and people like usThink in abstractions, big pictures we suss.Ideas and...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/07/2008

Intro, Extra, Energy

"I" stands for "Introvert". We need time alone;Invite us to parties and we respond with a groan.All...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/03/2008

The Gang Of Four

They developed four axes, with two letters each;One on the left side, quite out of reachTo those on...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/02/2008

Tester Spotlight: Bryan Lipscy

I have another Tester Spotlight posted over on Tester Center! This time I talked with Bryan Lipscy,...

Author: humbugreality Date: 07/01/2008

Myers And Briggs And Their Guinea Pig

Some years ago a lady named Briggs,Her daughter Myers, and their guinea pigInto personalities...

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/30/2008

Types And Styles And Body Parts, Oh My

MBTI describes how I interact with the world.NLP explains why I write and do not make murals.A &...

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/27/2008

One Fish, Two Fish, Sensing Fish, Intuitive Fish

The more I learn about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming...

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/25/2008

Conversationally Communing

Maria writes:This is my first time as a tester...let me tell you I'm happy with this, but is really...

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/18/2008

Why Why Why Why Why?

"Why did you miss that?"I imagine you have heard that question more than once, regardless of whether...

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/04/2008

Tester Center Tester Spotlight: Rob Straavaldson

Check out my Tester Spotlight interview with Rob Straavaldson over on Tester Center!

Author: humbugreality Date: 06/02/2008

Mission Control

Do you know what your mission is?Some of you may be saying "To boundary test Feature X". Some may be...

Author: humbugreality Date: 05/28/2008

CASTing For Participants, Part 2

Some months ago I posted about CAST 2008, how it's not your typical conference, how gobs of Smart...

Author: humbugreality Date: 05/25/2008

It's A Live (Mesh)!

A year ago I joined a team building a top secret project. Today we threw off our invisibility cloak...

Author: humbugreality Date: 04/23/2008

Campy Conclusion

These, then, are the five parallels I see between drawing and testing: Work what you see, not what...

Author: humbugreality Date: 04/16/2008

Shifting Subjects

I mentioned earlier that I started learning to draw so that I could sketch houses I saw in my head....

Author: humbugreality Date: 04/09/2008

Timely Tempo

As I learned the vocabulary of drawing I realized that most of my drawings were detailed studies...

Author: humbugreality Date: 04/02/2008

A Base(ic) Vocabulary

As I copied and deconstructed art by different people I started to identify commonalities within and...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/26/2008


One technique which has helped me learn to see is to copy and deconstruct the works of artists I...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/19/2008

Know? No. See!

What I have had most difficulty learning about drawing is probably also the most important point for...

Author: humbugreality Date: 03/12/2008

Scripting Exploratory Smack Down

Vinayak writes: "I do feel Exploratory Testing has importance in SCRUM-like projects and also...

Author: humbugreality Date: 02/20/2008

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