
Help with activation

Have you been looking at standing up a new cloud environment or perhaps just getting into hosting on Windows? Activation is a topic that comes up very frequently, so I wanted to put down my top resources so that our hosting partners could leverage them. This is exactly what i pull out when these questions come up, and they are a great first step to understanding Volume Activation as well as providing more advanced guidance. Should you use KMS or MAK for your Hyper-V based Cloud? Read and Watch below to find out!

1)The best video I have ever seen for this topic: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/dd450760.aspx

2)A reference wall poster that will help and spruce up your cubical!   https://download.microsoft.com/download/4/5/f/45fb677a-c215-442e-afd0-419e08b6c5d1/VA%202.0%20Vertical%20Wall%20Poster%20RTM.pdf

3)Of course this is all based on the volume activation guidance, here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd979805.aspx

Happy activating!

Marcel Messing

Hosting Technology Specialist
