
Update Impact Analyzer / Update Compatibility Evaluator (UCE)

I end up talking about this technology in pretty much every meeting I do. Just in case we've not met... do you want a tool that will tell you whether one of your applications will be 'impacted' or affected my a patch you want to deploy? Sounds like magic doesn't it - well that's what UCE does - and it's FREE shipped with the Application Compatibility Toolkit from V5 onwards.


I was involved with Pharmaceutical companies whilst this tool was being developed out or Microsoft Research and a one of the largest global pharma's worked very closely with Microsoft at the time to make sure this tool really does it's job.

Product Links

· Public ACT 5.0 webpage: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsvista/aa905102.aspx

· Direct link to the MSI file: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=24DA89E9-B581-47B0-B45E-492DD6DA2971

- Detailed product guidance from Technet: https://technet2.microsoft.com/windowsvista/de/library/27d20457-589c-42ed-b57c-537f67811caa1031.mspx?mfr=true


Update Compatibility Evaluator (UCE) : Provides insight and guidance about the potential effects of a Windows operating system security update on your installed applications. The UCE dynamically gathers application dependencies and is deployable to both your servers and client computers in either a production or test environment. The compatibility evaluator collects information about the modules loaded, the files opened, and the registry entries accessed by the applications currently running on the computers and writes that information to XML files uploaded to the ACT database