
Walt Disney World Marathon Dopey Challenge 2015 Week 6 Training: Plan and Creative in Your Training

SAM_0307Happy Monday!  Week 5 was a solid week of training even with a very busy schedule.  During training, I know all of you have had weeks where it seems you cannot get the time or place to run.  This is where I found myself coming into this week.  I knew it would be busy and training opportunities would be limited.  So I had to be creative here are some of the things I did this week to help me have a solid week:

  • Laid out and Pack my worked clothes the night before
  • Avoid the I forget to bring my workout gear, always be prepared.
  • Set your alarm in the morning for the next day
  • If I know I have to get up early on Tuesday, I will set my alarm Monday after I wake up.  I know sometimes setting the alarm at night after a long day, it is easy to make the decision to sleep in.
  • Ask locals to help find a place to train
  • Especially if you travel, ask locals on some places to run, you will normally get a great and safe run
  • Find places to Run
  • As I was leaving after a long day in the office, my initial plan was to go to the gym and work out.  I knew I would not make the workout if I drove home.  So I grabbed my bad and changed, and then used my companies parking garage:


What are some the things you have done to be creative during your training, share in the comments area?

Here is my schedule for this week: