
Transfering Data Oracle Data To And From SQL Server

This post is for two purposes: firstly to point to a comprehensive blog post covering the transfer of data between Oracle and SQL Server using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services - which answers a recuring question from customers and partners with insight, accuracy and the most cherished of properties - honesty.

Secondly I want to sign post Donald Farmer's Blog.  Donald is the Group Program Manager for SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS), thus making him an authrority on SSIS which alone would qualify his blog worthy of comment or linkage.  However the catalyst that has motivated this blog, apart from the subject mastter, is the fact that Donald's blog is so well written - it deserves attention full stop.  His blog is wonderfully humerous whilst remaining erstwhile.  Life is too short to read dry scripts - so read Donalds blogs instead
