
Por Barcelona en el TechEd

No se si os había comentado que he tenido la suerte de poder asistir toda esta semana al Teched Developers 2008 en Barcelona.

El TechEd Developers es sin duda el evento europeo más importante que organiza Microsoft para la comunidad de desarrolladores y en esta ocasión se da la circunstancia de que hay más contenido de Dynamics que en ninguna otra edición anterior. Hoy mismo acabo de asistir a una presentación sobre AX 2009 realizada por Steffen Niehues (Evangelista de Dynamics) en el que se ha podido ver una demo de un sistema de reconocimiento de voz con Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 integrado con AX 2009 como backend y empleando un flujo desarrollado en Windows Workflow Foundation. El sistema permitía dar de alta pedidos por teléfono sin ninguna intervención humana. ¡Genial!

Bueno, en caso de que estéis por el TechEd y queráis ver más contenido de Dynamics, aquí tenéis las sesiones más importantes.

¡ A divertirse !


DYN01-IS The value of developing for the Dynamics platform

Wednesday, November 12 13:30 - 14:45 

Primary Speaker(s): Steffen Niehues, Girish Raja, Daniel Tian Sio Po, Chandramouli Venkatesh, Peter Villadsen

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 200 - Intermediate

Session Type: Interactive Session

Meet in this interactive session a couple of Microsoft Specialists on Dynamics covering both Dynamics CRM and Dynamics ERP. Why is it great to develop based on the Dynamics platform? How can I integrate into Dynamics? How can I get in touch with Dynamics at all? Feel free to raise all kinds of Dynamics questions!

DYN201 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Why Your Development Arsenal Shouldn’t Be Without It

Wednesday, November 12 09:00 - 10:15 

Primary Speaker(s): Nikhil Hasija

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 200 - Intermediate

Session Type: Breakout Session

There’s a saying that you can’t judge a book by its cover. And when it comes to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, that is certainly the case. Join CRM Senior Product Manager, Nikhil Hasija, as he demonstrates how the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM can drive down your development costs, significantly improve your deployment timelines, and provide you a flexible platform from which to launch applications that extend far beyond traditional customer relationship management. You’ll see first-hand how other developers are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 to quickly deliver greater value to end users, and increase their personal contributions to their organizations.

DYN301 The real cool fit! - Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and Microsoft Development Technology Providing Business Value

Monday, November 10 16:00 - 17:15 

Primary Speaker(s): Steffen Niehues, Peter Villadsen

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Be a hero to your customers. See how Microsoft Dynamics AX fits into the Mainstream Microsoft Stack and why you should care! This session will cover the access and consuming of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 business logic using several cool demo scenarios and latest Microsoft technologies e.g: - Powerful UIs: Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Accessing Microsoft Dynamics AX via .Net Business Connector and the Application Integration Framework (AIF) - Office Business Applications (OBA): VSTO (Visual Studio .NET Tools for Office 2007), InfoPath/InfoPath Forms Server and MOSS-2007 portals accessing Dynamics AX - Workflow: the Microsoft Dynamics AX workflow which is based on Windows Workflows Foundation (WF) - Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): the Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Integration Framework (AIF) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services consumed from remote applications, like Windows Mobile Apps (.NET Compact Framework)

DYN302 Dynamics CRM as a Development Platform for Business Applications

Tuesday, November 11 09:00 - 10:15 

Primary Speaker(s): Girish Raja

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a robust platform (a.k.a "xRM") that can be used to build different lines of business applications. We'll look at how we can easily extend the platform to create & capture structured data, enable features like offline data, workflow processes and reporting all within your application. We will then discuss how you can use CRM and the .NET framework to create compelling enterprise and cloud-based applications for various market segments.

DYN303 Delivering Complete Business Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the Microsoft Platform

Thursday, November 13 15:15 - 16:30 

Primary Speaker(s): Reuben Krippner

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a powerful customer relationship management solution built from the ground up using the .NET platform. We'll show how Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be integrated with Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Microsoft Live services, WPF/Silverlight, Office Communications Server and other technologies to build comprehensive business solutions.

DYN304 Building Business Integrations with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Tuesday, November 11 17:00 - 18:15 

Primary Speaker(s): Chandramouli Venkatesh

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Learn how you can leverage Microsoft Dynamics AX's Application Integration Framework (AIF) to build business integrations. This session gives a brief introduction to common integration scenarios and to basic concepts of AIF. It walks through the process of building Microsoft Dynamics AX services and publishing Dynamics AX services through asynchronous adapters and web services. You'll learn how to consume external Web services published within your enterprise or in the public Internet from within Microsoft Dynamics AX.

DYN305 Microsoft Dynamics Mobile for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Wednesday, November 12 17:30 - 18:45 

Primary Speaker(s): Henrik Nielsen, Kristian Ridley

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Microsoft Dynamics Mobile is rapidly putting the power of Dynamics Business Solutions into the hands of a whole new range of users. In this session you will learn how Microsoft Dynamics Mobile integrates with the new technology stack in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. See how you can easily develop role tailored applications for Windows Mobile powered devices and capture the data in your Microsoft Dynamics backend application.

DYN309 The Power of X++ - The Dynamics AX Object Oriented Development Environment

Friday, November 14 09:00 - 10:15 

Primary Speaker(s): Peter Villadsen

Track(s): Dynamics

Level: 300 - Advanced

Session Type: Breakout Session

Come and hear the story about what goes on under the covers in the X++ stack and how you can leverage it's strength to provide value to your customers. Learn how to avoid some of the common pitfalls and how to use the managed code interoperability story to your advantage.
