Visual Studio 2010 SP1 now available
The final version of VS2010 sp1 is now available for download
- Download Service Pack 1 (MSDN Subscribers)
- Thursday's general availability download is here .
The description\features in the SP1 can be found at this LINK
March 09, 2011
Please correct the link for descriptionfeatures. The correct one is:
March 09, 2011
Warning: Installing VS 2010 SP1 will cause you to loose Intellisense in SSMS 2008 R2 to SQL 2008 R2 databases (and probably R1 databases as well). Note: This loss is with Intellisense in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 2008) not VS 2010.Anonymous
March 09, 2011
I'm also losing Intellisense in SSMS 2008 R2 :( Do anyone know how to fix it!? Repairin SQL tools doesn't work for me.