
TechNet Radio: (Part 17) Building Your Hybrid Cloud - End-to-End IaaS Workload Provisioning in the Cloud with Azure Automation and PowerShell DSC

Keith Mayer welcomes special guest Tommy Patterson to the series as they discuss end-to-end IaaS workload provisioning in the Cloud with Azure Automation and PowerShell DSC. Tune in as they break down automation into 3 main categories of tasks (managing and orchestrating the overall process, provisioning cloud fabric resources, and provisioning workloads, like operating systems and applications) and then go into in-depth demos showing how you can do this via Azure Automation and PowerShell DSC.  

  • [2:05] How can Azure Automation, PowerShell and DSC all be used together to create a “push-button” provisioning in the cloud?

  • [4:23] How do you go about positioning each of the tools we’ve mentioned?

  • [5:34] So, what should we use for managing & orchestrating the overall process?

  • [6:54] How about provisioning cloud fabric resources vs provisioning workloads?

  • [11:43] DEMO:

    • Azure Automation Runbook – provisioning load-balanced web VMs in existing virtual network
    • PowerShell DSC – provisioning new IIS web site
    • Publish DSC to Azure Storage
    • Invoke DSC configuration inside each VM via Azure VM Agent extension



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