
Hands on Lab: Connecting PaaS and IaaS Applications in the Cloud with Windows Azure Virtual Networks

Our Windows Azure cloud platform provides both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) features for migrating and running virtual machines in the cloud and Platform as a Service (PaaS) features for developing new cloud-based applications.  Together, these capabilities can be used by IT Pros and Developers working together to build interesting hybrid application solutions that involve both virtual machines and custom code running in the cloud.

In this article, I've include a link to a session deck that I recently delivered on this topic and also a link to a Hands On Lab where you can step through this process for yourself ...

Building Apps with IaaS and PaaS in the Windows Azure Cloud

Download this deck for offline viewing.

In this presentation, I cover the following topics:

  • IaaS and PaaS working together with Windows Azure
  • Common Application Patterns
  • Mixed Apps as an Migration Path

Hands On: Connecting PaaS and IaaS with Windows Azure Virtual Networks

After completing the lab steps below, you will be better able to directly connect a Web Role to a SQL Server running in a virtual machine through a simple virtual network, configure a SQL Server Virtual Machine and update and deploy the sample Web Application to a Cloud App in Windows Azure.

  1. Sign-up for your FREE Windows Azure 90-day Trial Account.
    Do It: Sign-up for a FREE 90-day trial of Windows Azure so that you can perform the Hands on Lab in Step 2 below. 
    Note that during the Free Trial sign-up process, you will be asked for credit card information to confirm that you are a legitimate free trial subscriber.  Your credit card information is only used to confirm your identity and you will NOT be charged for any Windows Azure services unless you explicitly convert your trial subscription to a paid subscription at a later date.
  2. Launch the Virtual Lab.

    Do It:
    Launch Connecting PaaS and IaaS with Windows Azure Virtual Networks
    Lab Errata:
    - In Exercise 1, Step 1B, please select one of the Windows Azure data center regions that are currently enabled for the Windows Azure Virtual Machine preview offer:
      - East US
      - West US
      - West Europe
      - North Europe
      - Southeast Asia
      - East Asia
    - In Exercise 1, Step 2C, click on the CIDR button located in the upper right of the Create a Virtual Network form prior to completing this step.

What's Next? Keep Learning!

After completing this hands-on lab, learn more about Windows Azure in our 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud article series.

Hope you enjoy!
