
Drive Performance Report Generator - PowerShell script using DiskSpd by Arnaud Torres

Arnaud Torres is a Senior Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft in France who sent me the PowerShell script below called "Drive Performance Report Generator".

He created the script to test a wide range of profiles in one run to allow people to build a baseline of their storage using DiskSpd.EXE.

The script is written in PowerShell v1 and was tested on a Windows Server 2008 SP2 (really!), Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10.

It displays results in real time, is highly documented and creates a text report which can be imported as CSV in Excel.


Thanks to Arnaud for sharing!




# Drive performance Report Generator

# by Arnaud TORRES

# Microsoft provides script, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not

# limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not

# guarantee that the following script, macro, or code can be used in all situations.

# Script will stress your computer CPU and storage, be sure that no critical workload is running


# Clear screen



write-host "DRIVE PERFORMANCE REPORT GENERATOR" -foregroundcolor green

write-host "Script will stress your computer CPU and storage layer (including network if applciable !), be sure that no critical workload is running" -foregroundcolor yellow

write-host "Microsoft provides script, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that the following script, macro, or code can be used in all situations." -foregroundcolor darkred

" "

"Test will use all free space on drive minus 2 GB !"

"If there are less than 4 GB free test will stop"


# Disk to test

$Disk = Read-Host 'Which disk would you like to test ? (example : D:)'

# $Disk = "D:"

if ($disk.length -ne 2){"Wrong drive letter format used, please specify the drive as D:"


if ($disk.substring(1,1) -ne ":"){"Wrong drive letter format used, please specify the drive as D:"


$disk = $disk.ToUpper()


# Reset test counter

$counter = 0


# Use 1 thread / core

$Thread = "-t"+(Get-WmiObject win32_processor).NumberofCores


# Set time in seconds for each run

# 10-120s is fine

$Time = "-d1"


# Outstanding IOs

# Should be 2 times the number of disks in the RAID

# Between 8 and 16 is generally fine

$OutstandingIO = "-o16"


# Disk preparation

# Delete testfile.dat if it exists

# The test will use all free space -2GB


$IsDir = test-path -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd"


if ($IsDir -like "False"){new-item -itemtype directory -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd\"}

# Just a little security, in case we are working on a compressed drive ...

compact /u /s $Disk\TestDiskSpd\


$Cleaning = test-path -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat"

if ($Cleaning -eq "True")

{"Removing current testfile.dat from drive"

  remove-item $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat}


$Disks = Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk

$LogicalDisk = $Disks | where {$_.DeviceID -eq $Disk}

$Freespace = $LogicalDisk.freespace

$FreespaceGB = [int]($Freespace / 1073741824)

$Capacity = $freespaceGB - 2

$CapacityParameter = "-c"+$Capacity+"G"

$CapacityO = $Capacity * 1073741824


if ($FreespaceGB -lt "4")


       "Not enough space on the Disk ! More than 4GB needed"




write-host " "

$Continue = Read-Host "You are about to test $Disk which has $FreespaceGB GB free, do you wan't to continue ? (Y/N) "

if ($continue -ne "y" -or $continue -ne "Y"){"Test Cancelled !!"



" "

"Initialization can take some time, we are generating a $Capacity GB file..."

" "



# Initialize outpout file

$date = get-date


# Add the tested disk and the date in the output file

"Disque $disk, $date" >> ./output.txt


# Add the headers to the output file

“Test N#, Drive, Operation, Access, Blocks, Run N#, IOPS, MB/sec, Latency ms, CPU %" >> ./output.txt


# Number of tests

# Multiply the number of loops to change this value

# By default there are : (4 blocks sizes) X (2 for read 100% and write 100%) X (2 for Sequential and Random) X (4 Runs of each)

$NumberOfTests = 64


" "

write-host "TEST RESULTS (also logged in .\output.txt)" -foregroundcolor yellow


# Begin Tests loops


# We will run the tests with 4K, 8K, 64K and 512K blocks

(4,8,64,512) | % { 

$BlockParameter = ("-b"+$_+"K")

$Blocks = ("Blocks "+$_+"K")


# We will do Read tests and Write tests

  (0,100) | % {

      if ($_ -eq 0){$IO = "Read"}

      if ($_ -eq 100){$IO = "Write"}

      $WriteParameter = "-w"+$_


# We will do random and sequential IO tests

  ("r","si") | % {

      if ($_ -eq "r"){$type = "Random"}

      if ($_ -eq "si"){$type = "Sequential"}

      $AccessParameter = "-"+$_


# Each run will be done 4 times

  (1..4) | % {


      # The test itself (finally !!)

         $result = .\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread $OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat


      # Now we will break the very verbose output of DiskSpd in a single line with the most important values

      foreach ($line in $result) {if ($line -like "total:*") { $total=$line; break } }

      foreach ($line in $result) {if ($line -like "avg.*") { $avg=$line; break } }

      $mbps = $total.Split("|")[2].Trim()

      $iops = $total.Split("|")[3].Trim()

      $latency = $total.Split("|")[4].Trim()

      $cpu = $avg.Split("|")[1].Trim()

      $counter = $counter + 1


      # A progress bar, for the fun

      Write-Progress -Activity ".\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread $OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat" -status "Test in progress" -percentComplete ($counter / $NumberofTests * 100)


      # Remove comment to check command line ".\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread -$OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat"


      # We output the values to the text file

      “Test $Counter,$Disk,$IO,$type,$Blocks,Run $_,$iops,$mbps,$latency,$cpu" >> ./output.txt


      # We output a verbose format on screen

      “Test $Counter, $Disk, $IO, $type, $Blocks, Run $_, $iops iops, $mbps MB/sec, $latency ms, $cpu CPU"




