
Resolve Communication Issues in SCVMM - Part 1

Disable Task Offloading and Update WMI

Communications issues with SCVMM can take on the form of access denied, timeouts, and often as intermittent connectivity issues. The steps in this post are the same ones I use to resolve a good number of customer issues.

Feedback on this article is welcome. If you have technical questions please post them appropriately in the forums:


Two types of issues are addressed here

1) Many new settings available to NIC drivers that do not always function as well as would be expected.

2) SCVMM relies heavily on WMI. The updates listed in this article resolve issues with WMI that will allow SCVMM to function properly.

This MDSN article lists all values available.

Using Registry Values to Enable and Disable Task Offloading


Install three WMI updates on all Windows 2008 server running Hyper-V (and therefore are SCVMM Hosts)

958124 A wmiprvse.exe process may leak memory when a WMI notification query is used heavily on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based computer


954563 Memory corruption may occur with the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista Service Pack 1


955805 Certain applications become very slow on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista SP1-based computer when a certificate with SIA extension is installed


Network Settings


- If working with a core server you may want to connect via remote registry and make these changes.
- All values should be set to '0' EXCEPT for the last one which is related to IPSEC, and thus Kerberos. Leave this one alone ---> 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ipsec\EnabledOffload'

1 - Locate all physical NICs in the registry under:

2 - There will be folders with four digits, starting with '0000'. Locate the ones that show the physical NIC names on the right. Look for the 'DriverDesc' value on the right; this should have the name of a NIC such as 'HP NC360T PCIe Gigabit Server Adapter.' For each of these, make the changes below.

3 - Disable All Vendor specific Offloading
Set values for any entries below that include the word 'Offload' to '0' (Disabled)

     No description available

Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of IPv4
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of TCP Checksum
over IPv4 packets.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of TCP checksum
over IPv6 packets.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of UDP Checksum
over IPv4 packets.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of UDP Checksum
over IPv6 packets.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the segmentation of large TCP
packets over IPv4 for large send offload version 1 (LSOv1).
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the segmentation of large TCP
packets over IPv4 for large send offload version 2 (LSOv2).
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the segmentation of large TCP
packets over IPv6 for large send offload version 2 (LSOv2).
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of IPsec headers
over IPv4.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled IPsec offload version 2
(IPsecOV2). IPsecOV2 provides support for additional crypto-algorithms, IPv6, and
co-existence with large send offload version 2 (LSOv2).
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled IPsecOV2 for IPv4 only.
Receive side scaling
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of TCP or UDP
checksum over IPv4.
Describes whether the device enabled or disabled the calculation of TCP or UDP
checksum over IPv6.

4 - Disable Offloading in Windows.
Use the following registry values to enable or disable task offloading for the TCP/IP protocol:

Setting this DWORD value to ‘1’ disables all of the task offloads from the TCP/IP transport. Setting this value to zero enables all of the task offloads.

Related Links
Network Issues with Windows Server 2008 RDP and VS/Hyper-V on Dell Servers


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I am having issues on W2K8 creating IPSEC tunnels to Draytek devices using the Windows Advanced Firewall Connection Rules. ...I have made the changes you suggest to the network card config so the NICs are not involved in calculating any checksums - but I still cannot get the IPSEC tunnel to work. Do you have any suggestions, or is this a problem you have experienced with these Dell servers running W2K8?? Do you have any suggestions on how I might resolve this issue? Thanks for your excellent site and support - it is very much appreciated. Kind regards Jason.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    When connecting to the SSP there may be errors such as ‘Syntax Error’ or ‘Object Unexpected.’ This may

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    When connecting to the SSP there may be errors such as ‘Syntax Error’ or ‘Object Unexpected.’ This may

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I appreciate the feedback. The best place to get an answer to your question short of calling Microsoft support is our support forums: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums. The steps in this article are designed to disable features provided by the network card. It is possible that not all features that the network driver provides can be disabled by the settings provided. I recommend researching the NIC vendor site for settings specific to the product. I hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    thank you