Where do I go instead of PDC?
My friends in Memphis will ask, "where should I go now that PDC is postponed?". Good question. I was going too so I'm a little bummed - but there are several alternatives. Personally, I'm holding out for the events in Nashville and Memphis to save my money and still have good content.
Oklahoma City CodeCamp: July 28th, featuring Jason Zander as the Keynote speaker
Houston TechFest: August 25th, Keynote TBD (no website yet)
VS Live - Sept 16-19 in NYC, OCT 16-19 in Las Vegas, Nov 12-15 in Austin
DevLink - It’s in Nashville, Oct 12, cost $50, goes for 2 days (FRI-SAT). Just look at the speaker list. Brad Abrams and Ron Jacobs are doing the keynotes. Already covered this one.
Tulsa TechFest: October 19-20, featuring Jason Zander as Keynote speakers
DevConnections - Nov 5-8 in Las Vegas
Memphis Day of .NET (More details coming, sometime in NOV 2007)
DevTeach - Nov. 26-30 in Vancouver