Get Primary and Failover MS List for Agent
get-agent | where {$ -match "[computer name]"} | select @{name="Primary";expression={$_.getPrimaryManagementServer().name}}, @{name="FailoverList";expression={$_.getFailoverManagementServers() | foreach-object {$}}} | fl
January 01, 2003
Great post, Very interesting to the PowerShell newbie! Question: Why is it that I get the following output: Primary : @{Name=mtl-hq-m30.<domain>} FailoverList : {mtl-hq-m25.<domain>, mtl-hq-m24.<domain>} Notice the extra "@{Name=" at the beginning of the Primary output, whereas it should be "{"? Also, I would recommend using the full name for cmdlets (& parameters) and not their aliases/shortcuts when posting examples (or scripting), as they are typically self-documenting. Thanks, LarryAnonymous
January 01, 2003
@Larry - I modified the script slightly to take "Name" out of the Primary results. I probably got lazy on that one. Thanks for pointing it out. -Jonathan