
Consolidated list of VSTO Outlook resources

When I answer questions in the forums or ng's, I point people to https://msdn.microsoft.com/office to get up-to-date content for VSTO Outlook. However, the site, as great as it is, displays mostly just official Microsoft content. It's good content (despite the fact that I have written a good share of it), don't misunderstand. But, there are other resources available, and there is no single page that lists what is 'out there'. Here's a list I will maintain and keep up to date.


Articles with code ( or code downloads):




Code Snippets:

  • Outlook Add-in Code Snippets (link currently broken- will update when it's back online)

Feature Samples:

MVP and 3rd Party Resources


Newsgroups and Forums:

  • microsoft.public.office.developer.outlook.vba
  • microsoft.public.office.developer.outlook.forms
  • microsoft.public.office.interop
  • microsoft.public.office.program_addins
  • microsoft.public.office.program_forms
  • microsoft.public.office.program_vba

Get Answers or Give Comments:


Rock Thought for the Day: I read an interview in GQ magazine about Merle Haggard. I have always treasured Haggard's songs just as I have those of Johnny Cash. I remember listening to one of his LP's in the mid-late 70's and hearing about railways of pain I had not experienced, and it moved me. Songs like 'The Fightin' Side of Me' and 'All My Friends Are Gonna Be Strangers' or the supremely powerful 'Mama Tried' meant something to me then, even as a boy. Now, I hear something else in his songs, an unspoken secret I learned from my own quiet suffering and pain. It's the same train, a different time.

Rock On


  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
    I have been having a problem and I don;t know who to ask, so I am asking you: I get a Visual C++ Runtime Library error when I try to start Outlook 2002. I have looked on the Microsoft Website and can find nothing to help me. I have reinstalled Outlook several times. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please reply to my email address. Thanks --Ted