
Seismographic information via RSS

The recent earthquake tragedies must have been on my wife's mind heavily, because last night she woke me up at 4am because she was convinced she had been woken up by a tremor which had lasted for several minutes.

I spent the next 15 minutes in a semi-comatose state trying to determine whether there had been any significant events in the Seattle area. Fortunately, I was able to convince my wife that there hadn't been anything and she thankfully returned to sleep again, whilst I contemplated just how fortunate we've been during a time when deeply saddening events have been happening across the world.

However, first thing this morning we were a bit more awake and checked out the USGS web site for any news. It turns out that there is all sorts of live worldwide seismographic information available - such as Recent Earthquake Activity in the USA or Recent Earthquake Activity in the World

But better still, there are RSS feeds available too - so next time my wife wakes me up I'll be able to refresh my feeds in Newsgator and tell her instantly. These links from https://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/rss.html 

  • M2.5+ earthquakes, past day RSS 2.0
  • M2.5+ earthquakes, past 7 days RSS 2.0
  • M5+ earthquakes, past 7 days RSS 2.0
