Digging through email this week
I don't know if my blog got re-indexed by google, Bing and the other search sites or what, but I am getting a large number of emails this week. I've been devoting most of my spare cycles to workign through the pile-up. If I seem slow, it is just due to the volume.
While it may be a little challenging to have this much email, I also love the interaction! It's great to hear from everyone and (at least for now) I will get to all the mail I have.
Thanks for reading my blog and using OneNote everybody!
Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
- Anonymous
October 01, 2011
You were linked from Raymond Chen's The Old New Thing, the "<a href="blogs.msdn.com/.../10218385.aspx">2011 Q3 Microsoft blogger edition</a>"; that's probably it.