
eWeek Article: 10 Steps Techies Should Take to Keep Their Jobs in a Financial Meltdown

I thought in the current economic climate this article has some good pointers, although I'm not sure I'd agree with all of them.  I'd like to add some other steps you might want to take if you're a Microsoft Technologist:

  1. KNOWLEDGE:  Have you updated your knowledge to latest release of  whatever you're specializing in?  Sure, your current company might not be running Windows Server 2008 or the latest version of System Center Configuration Manager, but you next employer might be, so keeping up-to-date on the latest technology is crucial.  It keeps you marketable.
  2. CERTIFICATION:  If you're a Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer you need to get out of that basement office more often!!!  There are NEW certifications replacing the MCSE, so take a look at them and start updating your certifications.  You still need to look at updating even if you're a Windows 2003 MCSE, maybe not with as much urgency, but you still need to get cracking.  Remember the certification upgrade path from Windows 2003 MCSE makes it much easier to get the new certification than for holders of the older MCSE certs.
  3. RESUME:  When was the last time you updated your resume?  Dust it off and add in all the stuff you've done since you last wrote it in 1999 J.  Even if you don't need it anytime soon, its nice to keep it updated.
  4. INTERVIEW SKILLS:  If its been a while since you've done an interview, you might want to read up on it or checkout online for any training videos, or any internal training your company offers.

Can't think of any others right now, but go take a look at the article 10 Steps Techies Should Take to Keep Their Jobs in a Financial Meltdown and see if 10 steps suggested there resonate with you.
