
SharePoint integration with SAP

One of our partners SWORD UK is hosting a forthcoming event on the 26th June at its London City office in association with Lightning Tools and Sitrion.

This free morning event will address how Microsoft’s SharePoint enables organisations to access the SAP database and streamline structured and unstructured information. Users will benefit from a single sign-on in a simple and intuitive SharePoint interface. In addition the users will further benefit from being able to access integrated workflow and other processes in Microsoft Office and SAP. Guest speakers include Nick Swan, SharePoint MVP and Markus Dopp from Sitrion who will be presenting live demos.

I'm hoping to make it myself - If you want to register you can email marketing@sword-uk.com

You can get more info from https://www.sword-group.com/English/AboutUs/Events/Documents/Sharepoint%2026_6_08.pdf