
People, Processes, Systems, Connected

SolidSoft are running a seminar to explain how a connected business will help you succeed in the recession

Seminar overview
This briefing will illustrate how connecting your people, processes and systems with Microsoft's BizTalk Server 2006 and SharePoint 2007 can help you maximise the value of your most important assets. Solidsoft consultants will explain the capabilities of these technologies and illustrate them with customer examples, best practice insights and guidance on what investment is needed to be successful in this difficult economic climate.
The day will be split into six sessions:

1 Connecting your People, Processes and Systems: by Garth Pickup, CEO.

2 Introduction to the capabilities of BizTalk Server 2006 R2: by Andy James, CTO. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Trading Partner Integration (TPI), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), SOA, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) illustrated with real customer examples.

3 A demonstration of BizTalk Server in action including BizTalk Server 2009: by Charles Young, principal consultant and BizTalk Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP). Use BizTalk 2006 now or BizTalk Server 2009 in the future? Advice and guidance given on both versions to enable you to make the right choice for your business.

4 Introduction to the capabilities of SharePoint 2007: by Mark Usher, business accounts director. Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Search, Workflow and Business Forms, Business Intelligence (BI), collaboration and portals illustrated with real customer examples.

5 A demonstration of SharePoint 2007 in action: by Mark Usher and Andy James. InfoPath, SharePoint 2007 and BizTalk Server 2006 combined to show a working example of an automated process.

6 Real world BPM and SOA in action with BizTalk 2006 and SharePoint 2007: an in-depth customer case study highlighting the business efficiencies that can be achieved through the implementation of this type of solution.

When and where?
Tuesday 3 March 2009, 9.30am - 4.00pm at Building 3, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 1WG

To register
Please contact Pam McClelland by responding to this email, by phone on 01256 375700 or by registering on their web site