
Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 Samples

This download page provides four samples for Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007.

This download page provides four samples for Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007:

  1. PerformancePoint Monitoring Server 2007 Federal Government sample: This Dashboard sample for PerformancePoint Monitoring Server contains a labor dashboard sample based off an included sample department of labor cube.
  2. PerformancePoint Monitoring Server 2007 Oil and Gas sample: This Dashboard sample for PerformancePoint Monitoring server contains both an executive dashboard and an operations dashboard based off an included sample cube.
  3. PerformancePoint Monitoring Server 2007 State and Local Government sample: This sample for PerformancePoint Monitoring server contains multiple dashboards, including financial, executive, city services, IT and tax based dashboards based off several included sample cubes.
  4. PerformancePoint Monitoring Server 2007 Dynamics CRM sample: This Dynamics CRM sample contains a sample data CRM cube and a sample dashboard based on the information. You can reuse this dashboard on your own Dynamics CRM cubes if you desire by changing the data source.
