
Customer: Examples of Windows Phone 7 working with Office 365 – (Exchange Online, Lync Online, SharePoint Online and Office)

Is the Windows Phone 7 Mango a work phone or a consumer phone???

As an employee that uses it as a work phone and a consumer that uses it as a personal phone, I can honestly say that it acts as both for me.


This post is all about showcasing what makes it a great work phone for me. Open-mouthed smile


Number 1)

The phone supports multiple applications being open, so you can easily copy content from one application e.g email and then paste it into another e.g a PowerPoint slide

You can customise the front screen tiles in anyway that you like. As you can see below, I have customised my front screen to include the things I use most.

- My ‘Inbox Tile’ so I can easily access my email hosted on Exchange Online,

- The ‘Lync Tile’ so that i can easily access my Instant Messenger account hosted on Lync Online,

- The ‘Calendar Tile’ so I can see where my next meeting is going to be – including time and location 

- The ‘Office Hub Tile’ so I can easily open up Word, PowerPoint, OneNote and Excel Documents,

- The ‘IE Explorer Tile’ so I can browse online,

- The ‘Maps Tile’ so I can easily find out my location,

- One of my fav Apps when I’m in London. The ‘Bing Get Me There - App Tile’ so I can check on the status of the London Tubes.


Number 2)


Look inside the Inbox – easy to read email, choice of sync options, multi-message support, highlights emails with attachments, usual reply options to both email and calendar invitations.

Great multi-folder search option, but if you can’t find the email that you are looking for, you can also search the server. Great for locating that one email you wish you still had on your phone.

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Number 3)

Use the Office Hub to Access your collaboration sites and download documents from SharePoint Online within Office 365.

Go into your Intranet Site hosted within SharePoint Online

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Number 4)

Download a document such as PowerPoint Deck and preview the slides within the Office Hub, use the touch screen technology to slide easily to the next slide. Make easy edits to the document and save back to your SharePoint Online Library.

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Number 5)

Use Lync Online to see your colleagues presence and use Instant Messenger for easy collaboration when you are on the move.

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Hopefully that helps to give you an idea about how easy it is to use your Windows Phone as a work phone.