
Hope to see you at TechEd

If you are attending TechEd 2010 next week, I really hope to see you there.  I’ll be at the Windows Azure booth and speaking on Wednesday June 9th at 5:00 in Room 356. 

I’ll be speaking about the end to end development experience for Windows Azure and have about 3-4 cool new things to show that I’m really excited about. 

COS307 | Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to Build Applications That Run on Windows Azure

A platform is only as powerful as the tools that let you build applications for it. This session focuses on using demos, not slides, to show the best way to use Visual Studio 2010 to develop Windows Azure applications. Learn tips, tricks and solutions to common problems when creating or moving an existing application to run on Windows Azure. Come see how Visual Studio 2010 supports all parts of the development cycle as we show how to take an ASP.NET application running on IIS and make it a scalable cloud application running on Windows Azure.

If you can’t make it, stay tuned, I’ll be posting links to all of the Windows Azure videos and I have some blog posts coming on those cool new things :)
